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Lenten Mass, Moms . . . . and More!


Dear Saint John Newman Parish Family,


As we approach the Lenten Season, in a small way, I would like to encourage daily Mass attendance at either of our two church worship sites. Why not come to daily Mass during Lent? Come alone, with your spouse or with your child(ren) at 8:00am. (And no one will be late for school!)


Now, before you think, "I can’t go to daily Mass.", relax! Start small and just choose one day of the week – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday. And, on Wednesdays at Saint Joan of Arc and on Fridays at Saint Athanasius, we will be having hospitality and fellowship directly following Mass/drop-off. Spend a few extra minutes enjoying a small treat and engaging in meaningful reflection and discussion with fellow parishioners.


Why am I encouraging this? Our daily Mass at our Saint Athanasius Church averages 8-10 people for daily Mass.  At Saint Joan of Arc we average between 20-25 people. These prayerful groups of dedicated parishioners pray regularly for our parish. Also, the more worries we have and the more struggles we face, truthfully then, all the more we need the spiritual strength and nourishment that comes from the Eucharist. Your presence is what God desires. Daily Mass averages about 20 minutes, not including travel time, as a part of your whole day and it is well worth the moment of quiet prayer and reflection.


A final note, while this daily Mass challenge is directed at our Catholic families, most Christian Traditions hold to a season of preparation for Easter like our Lent. Whatever your faith tradition, you are welcome to join us in common prayer with the God who loves all of us. 


With you on your Lenten journey,


Father Kenneth J. Anderson

Pastor of St. John Newman Parish

Join Us!

Fridays of Lent


March 31  6pm @ St. Athanasius

Good Friday - April 7  7pm @ St. Joan of Arc

There is no fee to attend, though for materials and planning purposes, please let Julie know of your interest.

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1615 Lincoln St.  Evanston, IL  60201



©2023 by St. John Henry Newman Parish

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