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Family of Faith Formation


Shawn Lucas |

847-328-1430, x124


“Let the children come to me” - Matthew 19:14 


"The family has the mission to guard, reveal and communicate love, and this is a living reflection of and a real sharing in God's love for humanity." - St. Pope John Paul II (Familiaris Consortio)


What is a Family of Faith? 



This year, we will be utilizing the Family of Faith program for all families in our parish. 


Family Faith Formation is an alternative to traditional religious education that encourages and equips parents to teach their children the faith. By attending two meetings a month, parents who participate receive everything they need to teach their children about the Catholic Faith at home. Our program enables Catholic parents to assume their primary role as educators of their children. We help parents deepen their own understanding of the faith and provide them with the tools and resources they need to instill in their children a love of Christ and His Church. Most importantly, we provide parents with a detailed picture of what an authentic and vibrant Catholic family looks like, as well as the tools to implement this life in their home.



Family of Faith is comprised of both Instructional Sessions (classes) and Community meetings. Please see the calendar for the specific dates and times of each session.


Family Faith Formation Instructional Sessions (Classes)

  • There is a general theme throughout the whole year that all our families will learn together. 

  • Parents will gather at St. Joan of Arc Parish hall one Wednesday evening a month (September-May) from 6:00-7:30pm at St. Joan of Arc to learn everything necessary to fulfill their role as the primary educators of their children.

  • While parents meet for their lesson, they may sign their children up to spend time with a catechist to review over the materials they have recently covered at home and to engage in faith based activities.  For children younger than 5 babysitting will be provided.  During the parent sessions, parents are given the resources, knowledge, and understanding of the lessons/activities that they will be teaching their families at home for the rest of the month.  


Community Meetings
One Sunday a month (September-May), all the families will gather together for the 4:30pm Sunday Mass at St. Athanasius Church, followed by a potluck dinner in the school gymnasium/cafeteria, with a wide variety of activities focused on strengthening our parish community, reflecting back on what we have learned, and deepening our love of the Sacraments.

The Curriculum 
A Family of Faith follows a four-year cycle: one pillar of the Catechism is covered per year from September-May. Parents are given a detailed picture of authentic and vibrant Catholic family life, the tools to implement this life in their home, and age-appropriate readings, games, crafts, and other activities to help them deepen among their children a love for Christ and His Church.  2024/25 Theme:  Volume I - Exploring the Profession of Faith





Sacramental Preparation 

Children are required to receive two consecutive years of catechesis and sacrament preparation before receiving any sacraments. The normal course at St. John Henry Newman Parish is for children (who are baptized) to begin their preparation for First Penance and Reconciliation & First Holy Communion in the 1st grade and receive their sacraments in the 2nd grade.  The same format follows for the sacrament of Confirmation.  Preparation typically begins during the student’s 7th grade year through their 8th grade year while receiving the sacrament in the spring of the 2nd year. 


2nd grade students will meet for sacramental preparation classes on two Sundays each month as they prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion.  


8th grade students in their second year of Confirmation preparation will meet for in-person preparation on Wednesday evenings once a month, the same evening as the Parent Family of Faith meetings.


Questions?  Click Below for some answers!














Please contact Shawn Lucas with any questions. 

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