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As you reflect upon the gifts with which God has blessed you, please prayerfully if the Holy Spirit is nudging you to serve the parish at Mass.  A host of opportunities are waiting for you here at St. John Newman Parish.


For the liturgy to be celebrated well, and so that the People of God may be led to full, conscious, and active participation, many liturgical ministers are needed.  Together with the priest, the ministers such as lectors, choir, extraordinary ministers of holy Communion, servers, and ushers, assist the assembly of the faithful in praying as the one Body of Christ in the liturgy, which means “the work of the people.”


All liturgical ministers exist for the service of the Body of Christ, the People of God, the assembly gathered in God’s name.  Although serving in any of these ministries should be a source of joy and satisfaction for individual people, these ministries exist for the benefit and service of the Church and not for individual or personal piety, spiritual growth, or status.  As such, these ministries are regulated by Church and Liturgical law.  Therefore, the pastor has the final approval of all liturgical ministers before they can begin service at the Mass.

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