Claire Labbe | labbe_claire@yahoo.com
Mary Sotir | sharnysot@aol.com
St. Athanasius F.R.I.E.N.D. Ministry Mission Statement
The St. Athanasius F.R.I.E.N.D. Ministry advances our mission by fostering an inclusive and welcoming Evanston Parish for our parishioners, school families, and our broader community, while promoting Catholic Social Teaching within our Parish and in the Religious Education and School curriculums.
The F.R.I.E.N.D. Ministry is established with the following Pillars:
FAITH. Based in the Bible’s teaching that all persons are worthy of human dignity, we recognize everyone as the neighbors Christ calls on us to love.
RACIAL JUSTICE. We strive to raise awareness of institutional and systemic racial injustice and inequality. We invite all members of our Parish and School community to work proactively in solidarity with people of all races and cultures to produce equitable access, opportunities, treatment, and outcomes for all.
INCLUSION. We put our faith in action by recognizing our responsibility to be inclusive of everyone as the neighbors Christ calls us to love and by promoting a welcoming and inclusive Parish and School community.
EQUALITY. We put our faith in action by serving the needs of the poor, vulnerable, and those subjected to inequality and injustice and we strive to achieve a more just and equitable future for everyone so that all may have the same opportunities.
“N” for UNITY. We strive to come together to teach that each person is a unique expression of God and that everyone is sacred and worthy by being more intentional while caring for the physical, emotional and social needs of all.
DIVERSITY. We embrace the power of community and value diversity of perspectives and we strive to provide supplemental programming and resources on faith-based approaches to diversity, inclusion, and equity.